Today has mostly been spent relaxing. After exams last week and D parents visiting this week I am exhausted. While D's parents were here we went to Chicago though which was amazing as always. It was their first time down there and I think they really liked it as well.

There isn't much new in wedding news. Right now I am just trying to find a ceremony location which is harder than I would have though. We are looking for a beach location on Lake Michigan somewhere between Holland and Grand Haven. The hardest part is that to get anything to have to rent a cottage with it as well or deal with a large number of people that could possibly be around (for the public locations). I really just want something easily accessible that doesn't cost much (or anything) to rent for a few hours. You would think that Michigan having the longest fresh water coastline in the world this would be a very easy task but it definitely is not. All of the area in which I am looking is either privately owned (so a house/cottage would have to be rented for a week) or public (meaning lots of people around...). If anyone knows of anything in the area I would be happy to have the suggestions!
Ok, I'm off for more relaxing :)