I apologize again for how horrible I have been these last few months at uploading pictures. Here are the a few things from recent.
My 23rd Birthday!
I think this is the only picture we actually got of me on my birthday this year! Wearing my birthday princess crown and button (it's behind the whale) and showing off my Jonathan Adler whale Pitcher that I got from the Perkins. ( Sorry for the crazy eyes! It was late and I was hoped up on cupcakes)
This was D's gift to me. My own sewing area!

The new spot for my fabrics (I love it)

And again.
I also got the flowers I already posted about from my dad, a very nice gift card from my mom which is going towards more fabric :) and Gilmore girls s.7 and A christmas story dvd's from my Brother.
It was definitely a great birthday!
Christmas 2008
We desperately wanted a tree this year. Despite the 450 sq. feet of our place we seemed to manage pretty well :) (Sorry for the eye sore antenna. Being young, broke, and beautiful means we save money any way possible= no paying for t.v. when you can get everything you need free ( or through the apple t.v./ internet!)
Our first gingerbread house! We think it turned out pretty well. The back side actually collapsed about 20 minutes after we finished it and after turning and buckling a bit it seemed to finally find a good resting point. (It is still standing 4 days later!)
I dont have pictures of everything but here is the bread maker I got D. I also got him a new game for Wii, the kitchen aid pasta attachment, a few things from L.L. Bean and a few others.

Here are the pearls D got me! I love them. He also got me a new jacket, cashmere socks (soo comfy), a new umbrella (we need one with all this rain and wind!), new slippers and hiking socks from L.L. Bean and a new flour sifter (which is where he hid the earring, so sneaky!)
We also got some great stuff from both of our parents! Thank you for everything!
A few Sewing projects I have been working on
A reversible purse from an Amy Butler pattern. The handles were a bear to make so I improvised and made my own.
The reverse side of the purse
A wine bottle bag. This is just a prototype, I still need to make the 3 bottle one we will be taking with us to Berkeley on NYE.
I will be back soon with our save the dates! (they are on D's camera currently)