(photo credit: only the best thing since Audrey and Jackie... Kate Spade)
I know I am still behind with the picture post. Once i get caught up with Christmas presents I will be sure to post them.
Big news: I got into grad school! Now I am updating my portfolio, writing my admission paper, and trying to get some financial aid! Wish me luck!
I'm off to spend the day celebrating. Enjoy the end of your week!
Here are the flowers I got from my dad today :)
I also got my stool for my sewing area from D, Gilmore Girls season 7 and The Christmas story from my brother, an amazing and much needed gift card from my mom (which I think will be going towards more fabric and sewing supplies!). Unfortunately UPS, Fedex, and USPS are all really slow right now so my package that was supposed to be here on Tuesday from D's parents didn't get here. Atleast I will get to celebrate for one more day though!
Ok, I'm off to finish my champagne :)
happy b day! and congrats on grad school!! :)
Happy happy birthday!
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