I promise I will try and get better about posting...
Another crazy bus story!
* While at a stop today a bunch of people were getting off and there was a line of about 6 people waiting to get on. You are only allowed to enter the bus in the front but you can exit from the front or the back. This crazy guy decided he was above the rules today and decided to skip the line and enter from the back. The bus driver noticed, headed to the back, and told him to get off and go wait in like the rest of us. Instead, he cut al the way up the middle of the bus, got off and started yelling at the bus driver about how he didn't need him up in his s**t calling him every swear word in the book. As the guy approached to enter the correct way and pay the bus driver started to close the doors so he wouldn't be allowed to come on. This completely pissed the guy off! He started going on a rampage of vulgar language and harassing the bus driver. After the guy had made his way to the back of the bus and the driver called the cops to get him removed. Even knowing the cops were coming he still wouldn't get off the bus! (idiot). The cops came, got him off the bus and continued to give him a hard time outside. This included not only questions (in between the guy yelling at the cops...) and walking the line! too funny, apparently he was either wasted or high... I'm guessing both...
Work has been going well. We recently got a new project that needs a little schematic design so we (my team & I) are currently working on that and hoping to come up with an overall concept for the project and design.
We also finally got our apartment put together. We were able to go pick up our rug from Pottery Barn on monday and all of our bedding came about 3 days before that. It is definitely a small space but we aren't in it enough for it to matter. That is what I love most about the city, there is always something to do, someplace to walk to, things to discover, local festivals, farmers markets, etc. and if none of that is available we can always go sit and relax by the water or work out! I love it :)

our new rug :)
I really need to start getting back on the wedding kick again, I know I still have a year but I do not want to put it all off until 3-6 months before; I would go crazy! A few people at my firm are getting married/recently married so there has definitely been a lot of talk about it. One thing a co-worker brought up was the videographer. Are any of you having a videographer? I wasn't planning on it but after seeing a few clips from his videographer I have to admit I am interested. I will definitely take a look at pricing and styles available in West Michigan but I'm still not %100 sure. Give me some feedback if any of you have had experience with one/plan on using one/ or have used one for your wedding.
Have a great rest of the week! We are over the hump!